How and where can we buy tickets?

Passengers can visit our offices in Manila, Coron and/or El Nido to purchase ticket/s. Also, they may book  online via www.atienzainterislandferriesinc.com or call the hotline at 0928-457-7623.

When is the best Check-in Time?

Passenger with Cargo or Checked Baggage must check-in at least four (4) hours before departure of the  vessel. All passengers will go through security inspection before proceeding to the pre-departure area.

Where can we process refunds and rebooking?

Refund or rebooking may be accepted at the outlet where the ticket was bought upon presentation of the  unused ticket/s, without any alterations, and submission of a reliable proof of identity of the passenger with  picture. No refunds shall be given for passengers once the vessel already left the port of origin. 

For rebooking or any changes in the ticket, a ten (10) percent charge shall be applied. All charges, surcharges or fees are subject to change at any time without prior notice.

What are the acceptable IDs to be presented?

The following are acceptable Government IDs for presentation during check-in and refund or rebooking of  ticket. 

  • Passport 
  • Driver’s License 
  • PRC ID 
  • NBI Clearance 
  • Police Clearance 
  • Postal ID 
  • Voter’s ID 
  • GSIS Card 
  • SSS Card
  • OFW ID
  • Seaman’s Book
  • Firearms License
  • Student’s ID
  • POEA Card
  • TIN ID
  • BIR Taxpayer’s ID
  • PhilHealth Card
How and who can avail discounts?
  Percentage Discount  Requirements

Senior Citizen 

(Filipino citizen)

  • OSCA ID 
  • Or any valid ID indicating birth date


(excluding post graduate)

  • Latest school ID SY  2022 to 2023 
  • Latest enrollment form  SY 2022 to 2023
PWD  20% 
  • PWD ID
What is your policy on travelling infants or minors?

Infants or minors (age 17 years old and below) will be allowed to board the vessel only if accompanied by  parent/s. 

What are the restrictions for pregnant passengers?

Pregnant women will be allowed on the vessel if she is 16 weeks pregnant or less. The said passenger should  present a Medical Certificate attesting to her fitness to undertake the voyage. She should also be accompanied  by a legal aged guardian. The shipping company may refuse a passenger if it determines that her health  condition prevents the passenger from taking the voyage safely.

What is the policy on sick passengers (medically or mentally ill)?

Sick passengers must present, upon boarding the vessel, a Medical Certificate attesting that he/she is fit to  undertake the voyage. Also, the said passenger should also be accompanied by a legal aged guardian. The  shipping company may refuse a passenger if it determines that her health condition prevents the passenger  from taking the voyage safely.

Persons with Disability (PWD), persons with mental disorder, and persons with visible or obvious medical  condition must present a Medical Certificate and have legal aged travel companion. The shipping company may refuse a passenger if it determines that her health condition prevents the passenger from taking the  voyage safely or the passenger poses a risk to the health and safety of the other passengers on the vessel.

What is the policy on senior citizens who wish to travel?

It is the discretion of the shipping company whether to allow a senior citizen to board the vessel depending on  the passenger’s physical condition at the time of pre-departure screening. Also, the said passenger should  preferably accompany by a legal aged guardian. The shipping company may refuse a passenger if it  determines that her health condition prevents the passenger from taking the voyage safely. 

What are the guidelines for authenticity of medical certificates?

Any Medical Certificate should be genuine, authentic and executed by a duly licensed Filipino medical  practitioner with expertise on the health conditions of the passenger. Upon submission of the medical  certificate, the shipping company shall not be liable for any death, injury or deterioration in the health of the  passenger during the voyage or if the passenger is refused or granted passage based on any a fraudulent,  false or inaccurate medical certificate. 

What is the standard baggage allowance?

A passenger is entitled to carry maximum of two (2) baggage. Any hand baggage must fit into the passenger’s  accommodation area and should not, in any way, obstruct passageways. 

Are pets and animals allowed onboard?

Pets and other animals (except for endangered species) are allowed on the vessel and to be loaded in the designated cargo area. Also, they are properly caged and with quarantine certificates from the Bureau of  Animal Industry. The shipping company shall not be liable for any death, injury to or loss, sickness/illness of  the pets and other animals. 

Are passengers allowed to bring raw meat and meat-products?

Fresh/Frozen Meat, Uncooked Processed Meat and Meat Products, Table Eggs, Embryonated Eggs, Quail  Eggs, Etc. requires a quarantine permit from the Bureau of Animal Industry. 

Can passengers carry plants onboard?

Plants and other flora (except for endangered species) are allowed on the vessel provided that a shipping  permit from the Bureau of Plant Industry is secured prior to loading. 

What is the policy for chemicals, explosives, firearms and other prohibited items?

A passenger is prohibited from carrying flammable, combustible or highly volatile chemicals or substances,  deadly weapons, firearms, explosives, firecrackers and other similar materials or any other items which may  jeopardize the navigational equipment and procedures of the vessel, as well as the general safety of the vessel  and its passengers. 

What are the implications for bomb jokes onboard?

Any jokes about carrying bombs while on board the vessel will be treated seriously. Anyone making such jokes  will be denied by the vessel and will be subjected to investigation and filing a case by the PNP. “False bomb 

threat or bomb jokes” is punishable under Presidential Decree 1727 with a penalty: 5 years imprisonment and  fine of Php 40,000.00 or both.

Where are the designated smoking areas?

Because we value your health and safety onboard our ship, we wish to ask for your cooperation in keeping  certain areas of our ship smoke-free. All passengers are prohibited from smoking in air-conditioned areas,  sleeping rooms, toilet and bathrooms, and restaurants. 

This is in compliance with MARINA Advisory Number 2006-002, which enforces a “No Smoking” Policy on  board all marine vessels. Meanwhile, passengers who want to smoke may do so at our designated smoking  areas. 

Where can we locate life jackets?

Each passenger is provided with a life vest found inside the closet or storage bin in their accommodations. The  ship is equipped with lifesaving equipment to ensure the safety of our passengers. 

What is the policy on throwing of trash at sea?

To protect our oceans, we strongly discharge throwing garbage into the sea.

What is the 2GO Travel policy on fortuitous events?

The shipping company shall not be responsible for any loss, destruction, damage, death, injury or delay due to  causes beyond its reasonable control which are unforeseeable, unavoidable or their origin is not due to negligence or lack of due care on the part of the Carrier, or for acts of God, acts of public enemy, wars or  revolutions, riots, freight embargoes, fire, explosions, sabotage, acts of terrorism, floods, epidemics, quarantine  restrictions, accidents, typhoons, labor disputes, strikes, orders, restraints or prohibitions by any government  authority, and other causes analogous or similar to the foregoing.

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